Sigh...I am finally caught up with blogging (4 posts in 1 day)! Some of these pictures are a little old, but it has been a couple of months since I have done an actual Kendyl update. Since my last post Kendyl is a walking talking machine! She loves playing outside, bath time, blankets, looking at pictures and fruit. She has taken a new interest in toys, music and books. She has about 5 books that she brings to me consistently. I think it's funny because she actually will search for these particular books. She loves feeding Katie but she also loves antagonizing her. This child LOVES animals. We were in Target last night and she saw this tiny little picture of a dog and cat on an endcap and she starts pointing and saying "cat." Though she doesn't always say it clear she definitely knows what a cat is because she points to them in all her books. In the past few weeks she has also started with dog and duck (again not perfectly clear, but she does differentiate between the two). She will say hi, bye, yeah, dada and Nikki. She used to say Mama. I don't know where it went, but I am not happy about it. She has learned how to vocalize her frustration...screaming (we have been working on this one). She likes to go in the pantry and when she wants something she sticks her hand out...or she will say "thank you" (she has her please and thank you mixed up). Last but not least we finally got rid of the pacifier. It took a couple of nights, but she is finally getting used to it. That pretty much wraps up the high points. Here are some pictures from the last couple months.
Like I said before Kendyl loves animals. We took her to Uncle Bears and they have pictures of dogs all over the walls. Kendyl went crazy pointing and yelling. Matt and I were laughing so hard. Fortunately it is a pretty loud place.
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