As of today I am 33 weeks and I have no other way to say it, but this sucks! I am DONE being pregnant! No I am not ready to have a baby just yet and I am certainly not ready for the labor/delivery part, but I am sick of sharing my body. I really wish I had a better attitude about this whole thing (like those liars who say they "loved" being pregnant) but I just do not enjoy it. The heat makes me cranky and there still appears to be no end in sight! I am officially waddling around on elephant sized swollen feet and I am over it.
Since my last post I have gotten my last round of blood work done (They planted one last one on me after the glucose test. I almost punched the doctor). I have one more biweekly appointment and then I start going on a weekly basis. Several of my maternity shirts no longer fit as I am bigger than I ever thought I would get and mood swings, cravings, and my overall stress level have skyrocketed. We still have a ton to do and there is a constant clock ticking down the days in my head.
On a positive note (I figure I should include SOMETHING positive) Kendyl looks great. We have our last ultrasound to measure growth tomorrow (Dear God-please don't let her be a 10 lb baby-Amen). My students this year have also been excellent. Collectively, this is the best group of kids I have had...ever! I am really lucky because I don't think my mood swings could handle any really rotten kids.
Kendyl's room is not close to done yet, but as promised here is what we have done so far.
We also made a stop the other day in Babies 'R' Us to pick up a present for a birthday party and look at the car seats (the one we got with out travel system does not fit in my car). Matt decided that he needed to buy Kendyl a stuffed animal to bring to the hospital with us. He found 2 and could not decide so he got both. I figure the dog can be from Katie and the basketball is from Matt?
Well, for your sake, I hope she is not a 10 pounder either! And about the pregnancy clothes not fitting, it sucks! You think, "well I can't get much bigger..." so you buy something and 2 weeks later it doesn't fit! I refused to buy too many maternity clothes and when I did they were clearance! Thank you Ross:) It's amazing how much your skin can stretch! lol Anyway, you look great! And I can't wait to read your next update! I love 'em! And what happened with your other dog?
LOL nevermind...I guess I got ahead of myself and left a comment on the first post before continuing to read about what happened to Lou:) That really sucks! I can only imagine how you felt! I remember during my pregnacy I would get mad when I would have to clean the dog hair off our couch (to the point where I asked Kenny if we could get rid of them!(Well, give them to our parents) I can only imagine how you felt walking into your NEW house and seeing the destruction he left!
You're getting so close!! Well, if you haven't already had her! How do we need to update again! I know by now you are going to the doc every week:) We wanna know! lol
hey Nikki! i had fun at your baby shower. could you email me your home address and i will send you a cd of pics from your party? my email:
~brenda e.
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