My students have been varied in their reactions. They ask a lot of questions. Some of them even pretend to cry during class to "prepare" me. Aren't they sweet? Sadly, I still do not know the sex of our little bean, however, I am scheduled to find out May 14th! (Hopefully the little thing wont play an evil trick on its mother and cross its legs or anything). I don't think I have ever been more impatient for something to come. So today, I decided to take my chances with some less conventional methods to see if I could find some answers. One of the teacher's on campus has gotten a reputation for determining the sex of the baby by hanging a sewing needle on thread over your hand. She has done this for several teachers on campus and so far has been right for all of them! Naturally, I seeked out her gift. According to the needle I will be having a girl, and then 2 boys (was not prepared for that one!). I understand this seems completely ridiculous, but before she checked me she checked the other teacher in my department who is also pregnant (and due on the same date!). She already has 2 kids and this test will tell you the sex of all of your kids so she did her little thing showed Heidi's first kid was a boy (right so far!). Then she did it again and it showed that her second kid was a girl (2 for 2). I couldn't believe it! Maybe there is something to this voodoo magic after all? As reliable as the needle has been I will be confirming its findings anyway : )
Matt and I have started the process of clearing out the guest room in order to make it a baby's room. The closet is officially emptied, but the room is pretty much in shambles. My sister was nice enough to give us my nephews old crib. Austin was even nice enough to leave some old milk spills on it for us!
Doesn't time just fly by?!?! You are way ahead of me and Kenny though... We don't even have the crib yet haha! And her room is still a project area with paint cans, brushes, swatches, clothes-her clothes at least-all over! I am so excited for you guys! And also, people told me that the feeling of a baby is like a flutter, but I thought it felt more like when you are on a roller coaster and you go down and your stomach kinda drops-that's what I thought it felt like, only for a few seconds though:) Maybe that will help you determine if you feel it or not:) I am so glad that everything is going well for you! Do have horrible heartburn or are you one of the lucky ones?
i'm so curious to know Nikki if your little one is a boy or girl. i am going to guess girl, but we will see....
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